Izjave naših pacijenata
I did rhinoplasty along with face tight treatment and the results were more than satisfactory. The guys (Boris and Peter) did everything at the same time, very professionally and in the shortest possible timeframe. I was out of tampons in 2 days, and my bruise recovery does not take longer than 7 days. Very gentle approach. Without unnecessary arrivals, with kind and friendly staff and arranging payments where flexibility was at an enviable level, the impression of service in this clinic is for every recommendation. Of course, I don’t even have to mention that my breathing is better now than before, and my facial skin is smooth and tight without any invasive method. Guys, you are the best. 🙂
I had unwittingly been suffering from hypopnea for nearly a decade. I did some research and I selected this clinic because it was located in a country where I have many friends. I had already been treated for this by a different physician in Canada, a surgery was done in my nose to remove an obstruction and believed it was better, but I was wrong. The Canadian doctor proposed dealing with the problem by CPAP or further surgeries. Their solution was to remove the first obstacle they find, see if that helps, if not, then remove the next obstacle etc. I had been using caffeine to stay awake, but my physical and mental performance was severely impacted by chronic sleep deprivation. At my first meeting, I was surprised to actually meet Dr. Filipovic, I presumed I would be looked after by an associate Doctor. I explained my suspicions and situation and told him, I do not want to go through multiple procedures to find one that worked. He listened, looked into my nose and proposed that I schedule and undergo a general anaesthesia, where he would be able to insert a camera and record what happens when I actually sleep. In addition I took home a wearable monitor for the night. After these diagnotics, it was found that a mandibular advancement device or CPAP would work for me. CPAP is not good for me because my young children would tear it apart. I had to leave Croatia earlier than planned, when I told his team. They moved heaven and earth to rush the casting, production and shipping of the device to me in Canada. Once I arrived here, his dentist responded to my emails to ensure I had proper guidance on how to adjust and use the device. It works wonderfully and with the clarity of thought that comes from regular sleep, I realized I should have a backup mandibular advancement device made, to use if my device is destroyed by my children. His team again did a wonderful job of using the casting I sent back to produce a 2nd set and ship it to Canada. I have tested the second device for a week now and it works as well as the first. I would highly recommend this team for their professional, courteous and effective effort. If, time & money allows and vanity demands, I would go to this team for a rhinoplasty in the future. Thank you all for improving my quality of life and work performance.
For so long I was dissatisfied with the breathing and the appearance of my nose. Of course the first step was to google rhinoplasty and read comments on forums of the people who did it in Croatia. That did not help because the amount of negative experiences only scared me. But I also read that the most important thing is to find a great surgeon so I finally went to meet with dr. Filipović. I met him, he explained the procedure and answered all my questions. On that first meeting I felt so confident that I even reserved a date for my surgery. Finally in November 2020 I had septorhinoplasty performed by dr. Filipović. They arranged that I stayed in the clinic for one day after the procedure. That really meant a lot, and I’m grateful for that. Recovery went fast and well, I almost had no bruising at all. I’m quite sensitive, so I felt some pain in the first 3 days after, but nothing too bad. It is now 2 months post-op and I look and feel better than ever. The result looks really natural, and it fits my face perfectly. The only regret that I have is that I didn’t do it sooner. Dr. Filipović is a miracle worker, and I will forever be grateful to him and his team.
I’ve done plasma skin regeneration and skin boosting treatment there. Clinic is beautiful, stuff is very friendly, young and with great knowledge and experience. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking high quality in every aspect. Thank you!
Prije mjesec dana bila sam na lip liftu kod dr. Filipovića. Rezultat je fantastičan, kao što je bilo i samo iskustvo konzultacija i operacije. Doktor i sestre profesionalni su i pristupačni i ulijevaju povjerenje. Lip lift je ispao super i izgleda prirodno, ali je dovoljno velika promjena da je utjecala na izgled cijelog lica. Oteknuće je splasnulo nakon otprilike tjedan dana, a ožiljak ispod nosa se mjesec dana poslije vidi, ali nije pretjerano upadljiv.
Nakon dugo godina , preporođen i oslobođen od teških migrenoznih glavobolja. Veliko hvala!
Pohvala cijelom timu svjetskog kalibra LF MEDICAL. Dr.Boris Filipović i Dr.Peter Lohuis uspješno i predano su izveli zahtjevnu operaciju devijacije septuma uz korekciju nosa na koji sam jedva disala i Dr.Božo Gorjanc koji mi je napravio simetričnu i pedantnu augmentaciju mojih prirodno nerazvijenih grudi. Dvostruka operacija je zapravo bila jedan brz i bezbolan put uz još brži oporavak. Cijeli tim je bio profesionalan i brinuo u svakom momentu, te dostupan 0-24h, a rezultati.. jednostavno prekrasno i prirodno.. Hvala doktorima jer su mi vratili samopouzdanje i time mi uljepšali život. Preporuka svima od srca… <3
Imala sam blagu devijaciju septuma, dr. Filipović me operirao i sve je prošlo toliko dobro da sam i sama ostala iznenađena brzinom oporavka i rezultatom. Napokon dišem normalno, nos je estetski u skladu s proporcijama moga lica i izgleda prirodno!
Moram naglasiti kako nakon operacije nisam imala bolove, nijednu modricu ni podljev i čak bih se usudila reći da mi veću traumu izaziva začepljen nos tijekom prehlade, a operacija, dogovori i kontrole ostaju u lijepom sjećanju. Hvala puno! 🙂
Konacno klinika u kojoj se osjecas kao covjek. Hvala Vam!
Vrhunska usluga, stručni su i susretljivi te imaju ljudski pristup prema pacijentima.<br>Sve je prošlo izvrsno od konzultacija, dogovora termina, samog zahvata, oporavka te na kraju kontrola.
Nemam apsolutno nikakvih prigovora, 100% preporuka za sve one koji su u dilemi.
Impozantna poliklinika sa svojim impresivnim i stručnim timom. Svi zajedno su vrijedni svakog respekta.
Veliko hvala doktoru Filipoviću koji mi je svojom stručnošću,preciznošću, spretnošću, iskustvom i osjećajem za estetiku omogućio da danas imam savršen nos na koji napokon dišem normalno. Nos je prije rinoplastike bio u gotovo potpunoj disfunkciji,no nakon bezbolne operacije svi moji problemi su nestali. Hvala i svima u timu koji su mi pomogli i sudjelovali u svim fazama ove operacije; anesteziolozima, doktorima, Ančici sa recepcije, a najveće hvala prekrasnim sestrama Mateji i Eli. Cure koje sam mogla nazvat u bilo koje doba dana i noći i koje su uvijek bile tu za mene da me savjetuju i ohrabre u oporavku. Sigurna sam da ih nikada neću zaboraviti. Sve preporuke za ovu predivnu polikliniku u kojoj mladost, stručnost i krajnji rezultat sigurno nemaju konkurenciju!!
Vrhunska usluga, čista petica za dr. Filipovića i svo osoblje!
Odlican i inovativan tim, jako ljubazno i pristupacno osoblje, sve preporuke!
Osoblje preljubazno i strucno, usluga odlicna a rezultati na samom vrhu. Operirala nos , preeeezadovoljna ….
Prezadovoljna operacijom nosa, najbolji doktori , brz oporavak i najbolji rezultati
Preporucam svimaa!!!!
Odlicna usluga i divno osoblje, za svaku preporuku!:)
Predivna poliklinika, stručno osoblje i vrhunski rezultat. Hvala dr. Filipovicu na punim i prirodnim usnama ♡